
This project is funded by The Darwin Initiative, a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide http://www.darwininitiative.org.uk  https://www.facebook.com/DarwinInitiative/

Biodiversity and livelihoods will be enhanced through expansion of community led reforestation that integrates agroforestry, farmer managed natural regeneration, biodiversity conservation and carbon payments through an internationally recognised carbon accreditation scheme. Indigenous knowledge and Timorese customary law (Tara Bandu) will guide project activities to ensure alignment with community values and goals.

The project focuses on Laclubar and Soibada in Manatuto district, where farmers have been planting trees with the assistance of Group Training Northern Territory (GTNT ) based in Darwin, Australia. Approximately 210 farm families (population 1,260) will diversify income and food from agroforestry, tree nursery sales and carbon credits. The project will build on trust developed with these communities to carry out activities in an adaptive and gender sensitive manner. Charles Sturt University provides overall coordination, research expertise, partner communication, monitoring and evaluation. GTNT is responsible for project implementation, community liaison and carbon contracts. World Vision Timor Leste is providing farmer/staff training on Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration, a forest management technique established in Aileu district. RAEBIA is providing farmer training in conservation farming and agroforestry.


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